Type | Line | Description |
error | 18 | No summary for class "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 17 | Argument $alias is missing from the Docblock of getTemplate |
error | 17 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 15 | No summary for class "" |
error | 23 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 11 | No summary for class "" |
error | 26 | Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of audioPath |
error | 44 | Argument $audioEntity is missing from the Docblock of convertAudio |
error | 64 | Argument $oldLocation is missing from the Docblock of executeConversion |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 10 | No summary for class "" |
error | 20 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 20 | No summary for method "" |
error | 30 | No summary for method "" |
error | 58 | No summary for method "" |
error | 91 | No summary for method "" |
error | 15 | No summary for property $sm |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
error | 9 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
error | 15 | No summary for method "" |
error | 20 | No summary for method "" |
error | 30 | No summary for method "" |
error | 44 | No summary for method "" |
error | 54 | No summary for method "" |
error | 81 | No summary for method "" |
error | 86 | No summary for method "" |
error | 91 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 23 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 23 | No summary for method "" |
error | 31 | No summary for method "" |
error | 39 | No summary for method "" |
error | 51 | Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of getOption |
error | 66 | Argument $namespace is missing from the Docblock of getNamespace |
error | 84 | Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of setOption |
error | 18 | No summary for property $serviceManager |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 23 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 23 | No summary for method "" |
error | 31 | No summary for method "" |
error | 39 | No summary for method "" |
error | 51 | Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of getOption |
error | 66 | Argument $namespace is missing from the Docblock of getNamespace |
error | 84 | Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of setOption |
error | 18 | No summary for property $serviceManager |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
error | 9 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
error | 22 | Argument $provider is missing from the Docblock of getAuthRow |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
error | 9 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 18 | No summary for class "" |
error | 36 | Argument $userData is missing from the Docblock of setupUser |
error | 48 | Argument $userData is missing from the Docblock of setupAdmin |
error | 60 | Argument $userData is missing from the Docblock of removeUser |
error | 78 | Argument $userData is missing from the Docblock of createUser |
error | 78 | Argument $role is missing from the Docblock of createUser |
error | 110 | Argument $user is missing from the Docblock of loginUser |
error | 125 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
error | 9 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 20 | No summary for class "" |
error | 25 | Argument $event is missing from the Docblock of onBootstrap |
error | 25 | No summary for method "" |
error | 51 | Argument $event is missing from the Docblock of getJsonModelError |
error | 51 | No summary for method "" |
error | 123 | Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of errorHandler |
error | 123 | No summary for method "" |
error | 135 | No summary for method "" |
error | 143 | No summary for method "" |
error | 157 | No summary for method "" |
error | 173 | Argument $event is missing from the Docblock of isJson |
error | 173 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 14 | No summary for class "" |
error | 16 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 16 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 18 | No summary for class "" |
error | 23 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 29 | No summary for method "" |
error | 37 | No summary for method "" |
error | 52 | No summary for method "" |
error | 76 | No summary for method "" |
error | 98 | No summary for method "" |
error | 110 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for method "" |
error | 30 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 30 | No summary for method "" |
error | 40 | Argument $category is missing from the Docblock of updateChildrenPath |
error | 56 | Argument $tree is missing from the Docblock of recursiveUpdatePath |
error | 74 | Argument $alias is missing from the Docblock of getTreeForRoot |
error | 131 | Argument $image is missing from the Docblock of addImageToSession |
error | 17 | No summary for property $serviceManager |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
error | 15 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 15 | Argument $userId is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 15 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
error | 15 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class "" |
error | 115 | No summary for method "" |
error | 123 | Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 123 | No summary for method "" |
error | 131 | No summary for method "" |
error | 139 | Argument $alias is missing from the Docblock of setAlias |
error | 139 | No summary for method "" |
error | 147 | No summary for method "" |
error | 155 | Argument $title is missing from the Docblock of setTitle |
error | 155 | No summary for method "" |
error | 163 | No summary for method "" |
error | 171 | Argument $content is missing from the Docblock of setContent |
error | 171 | No summary for method "" |
error | 179 | No summary for method "" |
error | 187 | Argument $keywords is missing from the Docblock of setKeywords |
error | 187 | No summary for method "" |
error | 195 | No summary for method "" |
error | 203 | Argument $description is missing from the Docblock of setDescription |
error | 203 | No summary for method "" |
error | 225 | Argument $created is missing from the Docblock of setCreated |
error | 247 | Argument $updated is missing from the Docblock of setUpdated |
error | 255 | No summary for method "" |
error | 263 | Argument $authorId is missing from the Docblock of setAuthorId |
error | 263 | No summary for method "" |
error | 271 | No summary for method "" |
error | 32 | No summary for property $id |
error | 38 | No summary for property $title |
error | 44 | No summary for property $alias |
error | 50 | No summary for property $content |
error | 56 | No summary for property $keywords |
error | 62 | No summary for property $description |
error | 69 | No summary for property $created |
error | 76 | No summary for property $updated |
error | 82 | No summary for property $authorId |
error | 87 | No summary for property $inputFilter |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 23 | No summary for class "" |
error | 124 | No summary for method "" |
error | 132 | Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 132 | No summary for method "" |
error | 140 | No summary for method "" |
error | 148 | Argument $alias is missing from the Docblock of setAlias |
error | 148 | No summary for method "" |
error | 156 | No summary for method "" |
error | 164 | Argument $description is missing from the Docblock of setDescription |
error | 164 | No summary for method "" |
error | 172 | No summary for method "" |
error | 180 | Argument $subject is missing from the Docblock of setSubject |
error | 180 | No summary for method "" |
error | 188 | No summary for method "" |
error | 196 | Argument $fromEmail is missing from the Docblock of setFromEmail |
error | 196 | No summary for method "" |
error | 204 | No summary for method "" |
error | 212 | Argument $fromName is missing from the Docblock of setFromName |
error | 212 | No summary for method "" |
error | 220 | No summary for method "" |
error | 228 | Argument $bodyHtml is missing from the Docblock of setBodyHtml |
error | 228 | No summary for method "" |
error | 236 | No summary for method "" |
error | 244 | Argument $bodyText is missing from the Docblock of setBodyText |
error | 244 | No summary for method "" |
error | 266 | Argument $created is missing from the Docblock of setCreated |
error | 288 | Argument $updated is missing from the Docblock of setUpdated |
error | 312 | No summary for method "" |
error | 33 | No summary for property $id |
error | 39 | No summary for property $alias |
error | 45 | No summary for property $description |
error | 51 | No summary for property $subject |
error | 57 | No summary for property $fromEmail |
error | 63 | No summary for property $fromName |
error | 69 | No summary for property $bodyHtml |
error | 75 | No summary for property $bodyText |
error | 82 | No summary for property $created |
error | 89 | No summary for property $updated |
error | 104 | No summary for property $inputFilter |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
error | 17 | No summary for method "" |
error | 25 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 25 | No summary for method "" |
error | 36 | Argument $aliasEntity is missing from the Docblock of getEntity |
error | 36 | No summary for method "" |
error | 12 | No summary for property $serviceManager |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 14 | No summary for class "" |
error | 16 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 10 | No summary for class "" |
error | 20 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 20 | No summary for method "" |
error | 29 | No summary for method "" |
error | 63 | No summary for method "" |
error | 15 | No summary for property $sm |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 8 | No summary for class "" |
error | 18 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 18 | No summary for method "" |
error | 28 | No summary for method "" |
error | 57 | No summary for method "" |
error | 13 | No summary for property $sm |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 26 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 26 | No summary for method "" |
error | 19 | No summary for property $inputFilter |
error | 20 | No summary for property $serviceLocator |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
error | 16 | Argument $searchString is missing from the Docblock of countSearchTests |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 18 | No summary for class "" |
error | 109 | No summary for method "" |
error | 136 | Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 158 | Argument $description is missing from the Docblock of setDescription |
error | 180 | Argument $alias is missing from the Docblock of setAlias |
error | 202 | Argument $entity is missing from the Docblock of setEntity |
error | 224 | Argument $visible is missing from the Docblock of setIsVisible |
error | 246 | Argument $isEnabled is missing from the Docblock of setIsEnabled |
error | 268 | Argument $created is missing from the Docblock of setCreated |
error | 300 | Argument $updated is missing from the Docblock of setUpdated |
error | 308 | No summary for method "" |
error | 27 | No summary for property $id |
error | 37 | No summary for property $alias |
error | 47 | No summary for property $entity |
error | 56 | No summary for property $description |
error | 66 | No summary for property $isVisible |
error | 76 | No summary for property $isEnabled |
error | 83 | No summary for property $created |
error | 90 | No summary for property $updated |
error | 96 | No summary for property $comments |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 72 | Argument $file is missing from the Docblock of setFile |
error | 82 | No summary for method "" |
error | 93 | Argument $fileId is missing from the Docblock of setFileId |
error | 103 | No summary for method "" |
error | 114 | Argument $entityName is missing from the Docblock of setEntityName |
error | 124 | No summary for method "" |
error | 135 | Argument $objectId is missing from the Docblock of setObjectId |
error | 145 | No summary for method "" |
error | 31 | No summary for property $entityName |
error | 39 | No summary for property $objectId |
error | 47 | No summary for property $fileId |
error | 57 | No summary for property $id |
error | 64 | No summary for property $file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 101 | No summary for method "" |
error | 131 | Argument $pathArray is missing from the Docblock of recursiveBuildPath |
error | 158 | Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 180 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of setName |
error | 202 | Argument $alias is missing from the Docblock of setAlias |
error | 224 | Argument $order is missing from the Docblock of setOrder |
error | 246 | Argument $parentId is missing from the Docblock of setParentId |
error | 278 | Argument $created is missing from the Docblock of setCreated |
error | 300 | Argument $updated is missing from the Docblock of setUpdated |
error | 321 | Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of setPath |
error | 329 | Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of setEntityManager |
error | 329 | No summary for method "" |
error | 334 | No summary for method "" |
error | 342 | No summary for method "" |
error | 359 | No summary for method "" |
error | 32 | No summary for property $id |
error | 42 | No summary for property $name |
error | 52 | No summary for property $alias |
error | 60 | No summary for property $parentId |
error | 66 | No summary for property $children |
error | 73 | No summary for property $path |
error | 80 | No summary for property $created |
error | 87 | No summary for property $updated |
error | 94 | No summary for property $order |
error | 96 | No summary for property $entityManager |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 8 | No summary for class "" |
error | 10 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 10 | Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 10 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 48 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of setServiceLocator |
error | 48 | No summary for method "" |
error | 56 | No summary for method "" |
error | 65 | Argument $entityManager is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 65 | No summary for method "" |
error | 90 | No summary for method "" |
error | 100 | Argument $defaultRole is missing from the Docblock of setDefaultRole |
error | 100 | No summary for method "" |
error | 28 | No summary for property $authService |
error | 33 | No summary for property $entityManager |
error | 38 | No summary for property $serviceManager |
error | 43 | No summary for property $defaultRole |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
error | 12 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 12 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
error | 21 | Argument $tree is missing from the Docblock of __invoke |
error | 33 | Argument $tree is missing from the Docblock of treeBuild |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 84 | Argument $user is missing from the Docblock of setUser |
error | 84 | No summary for method "" |
error | 92 | No summary for method "" |
error | 115 | No summary for method "" |
error | 123 | Argument $userId is missing from the Docblock of setUserId |
error | 123 | No summary for method "" |
error | 145 | Argument $provider is missing from the Docblock of setProvider |
error | 167 | Argument $foreignKey is missing from the Docblock of setForeignKey |
error | 189 | Argument $token is missing from the Docblock of setToken |
error | 211 | Argument $tokenSecret is missing from the Docblock of setTokenSecret |
error | 233 | Argument $tokenType is missing from the Docblock of setTokenType |
error | 255 | Argument $created is missing from the Docblock of setCreated |
error | 277 | Argument $updated is missing from the Docblock of setUpdated |
error | 285 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of login |
error | 285 | No summary for method "" |
error | 30 | No summary for property $userId |
error | 37 | No summary for property $provider |
error | 43 | No summary for property $foreignKey |
error | 49 | No summary for property $token |
error | 55 | No summary for property $tokenSecret |
error | 61 | No summary for property $tokenType |
error | 67 | No summary for property $created |
error | 73 | No summary for property $updated |
error | 79 | No summary for property $user |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 11 | No summary for class "" |
error | 37 | Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of imgPath |
error | 76 | Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of sizeByType |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
error | 15 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 15 | Argument $userId is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 15 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 18 | No summary for class "" |
error | 23 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 6 | No summary for class "" |
error | 8 | No summary for method "" |
error | 13 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 14 | No summary for class "" |
error | 32 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 32 | No summary for method "" |
error | 40 | No summary for method "" |
error | 48 | No summary for method "" |
error | 58 | Argument $auth is missing from the Docblock of encrypt |
error | 58 | No summary for method "" |
error | 71 | Argument $user is missing from the Docblock of generateEquals |
error | 71 | No summary for method "" |
error | 113 | Argument $email is missing from the Docblock of authenticateEquals |
error | 113 | No summary for method "" |
error | 150 | Argument $email is missing from the Docblock of checkCredentials |
error | 167 | Argument $email is missing from the Docblock of createAuthService |
error | 27 | No summary for property $serviceManager |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 8 | No summary for class "" |
error | 10 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 10 | Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 10 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
error | 15 | No summary for method "" |
error | 25 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
error | 15 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 12 | No summary for class "" |
error | 14 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 11 | No summary for class "" |
error | 26 | Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of videoPath |
error | 45 | Argument $videoEntity is missing from the Docblock of convertVideo |
error | 66 | Argument $oldLocation is missing from the Docblock of executeConversion |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 17 | No summary for class "" |
error | 29 | Argument $inputFilter is missing from the Docblock of setInputFilter |
error | 29 | No summary for method "" |
error | 37 | No summary for method "" |
error | 22 | No summary for property $inputFilter |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
error | 22 | Argument $searchString is missing from the Docblock of countSearchUsers |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 4 | No summary for class "" |
error | 6 | No summary for method "" |
error | 11 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 16 | No summary for class "" |
error | 35 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 35 | No summary for method "" |
error | 46 | Argument $search is missing from the Docblock of inArrayRecursive |
error | 46 | No summary for method "" |
error | 71 | Argument $filePath is missing from the Docblock of replaceRowInFile |
error | 71 | No summary for method "" |
error | 99 | Argument $modulesForm is missing from the Docblock of hideModules |
error | 99 | No summary for method "" |
error | 115 | Argument $dbForm is missing from the Docblock of createDbConfig |
error | 115 | No summary for method "" |
error | 143 | Argument $dbForm is missing from the Docblock of checkDbConnection |
error | 143 | No summary for method "" |
error | 157 | No summary for method "" |
error | 172 | Argument $global is missing from the Docblock of checkExtensions |
error | 172 | No summary for method "" |
error | 209 | Argument $global is missing from the Docblock of checkFiles |
error | 209 | No summary for method "" |
error | 260 | Argument $global is missing from the Docblock of checkTools |
error | 260 | No summary for method "" |
error | 297 | Argument $mailForm is missing from the Docblock of createMailConfig |
error | 297 | No summary for method "" |
error | 377 | No summary for method "" |
error | 391 | No summary for method "" |
error | 405 | No summary for method "" |
error | 30 | No summary for property $sm |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 4 | No summary for class "" |
error | 6 | No summary for method "" |
error | 11 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 24 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 24 | No summary for method "" |
error | 17 | No summary for property $inputFilter |
error | 18 | No summary for property $serviceLocator |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 17 | No summary for class "" |
error | 29 | Argument $inputFilter is missing from the Docblock of setInputFilter |
error | 29 | No summary for method "" |
error | 37 | No summary for method "" |
error | 22 | No summary for property $inputFilter |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 19 | No summary for class "" |
error | 24 | No summary for method "" |
error | 32 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 24 | Argument $e is missing from the Docblock of onBootstrap |
error | 24 | No summary for method "" |
error | 34 | No summary for method "" |
error | 42 | No summary for method "" |
error | 53 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
error | 12 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 12 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 16 | No summary for class "" |
error | 21 | No summary for method "" |
error | 29 | No summary for method "" |
error | 43 | Argument $e is missing from the Docblock of onBootstrap |
error | 43 | No summary for method "" |
error | 55 | Argument $e is missing from the Docblock of preDispatch |
error | 55 | No summary for method "" |
error | 72 | Argument $e is missing from the Docblock of onDispatch |
error | 72 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 24 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 17 | No summary for class "" |
error | 29 | Argument $inputFilter is missing from the Docblock of setInputFilter |
error | 29 | No summary for method "" |
error | 37 | No summary for method "" |
error | 22 | No summary for property $inputFilter |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
error | 12 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 12 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 20 | No summary for class "" |
error | 25 | Argument $e is missing from the Docblock of onDispatch |
error | 38 | No summary for method "" |
error | 75 | No summary for method "" |
error | 168 | No summary for method "" |
error | 234 | No summary for method "" |
error | 350 | Argument $parentId is missing from the Docblock of getMaxOrder |
error | 451 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 26 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 12 | No summary for class "" |
error | 14 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 28 | Argument $e is missing from the Docblock of onDispatch |
error | 36 | No summary for method "" |
error | 49 | No summary for method "" |
error | 62 | No summary for method "" |
error | 80 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 8 | No summary for class "" |
error | 10 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 10 | Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 10 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 8 | No summary for class "" |
error | 16 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 16 | No summary for method "" |
error | 27 | No summary for method "" |
error | 53 | No summary for method "" |
error | 70 | No summary for method "" |
error | 11 | No summary for property $sm |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 24 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 24 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 101 | No summary for method "" |
error | 109 | Argument $namespace is missing from the Docblock of setNamespace |
error | 109 | No summary for method "" |
error | 117 | No summary for method "" |
error | 125 | Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of setKey |
error | 125 | No summary for method "" |
error | 133 | No summary for method "" |
error | 141 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of setValue |
error | 141 | No summary for method "" |
error | 149 | No summary for method "" |
error | 157 | Argument $description is missing from the Docblock of setDescription |
error | 157 | No summary for method "" |
error | 179 | Argument $created is missing from the Docblock of setCreated |
error | 201 | Argument $updated is missing from the Docblock of setUpdated |
error | 209 | No summary for method "" |
error | 35 | No summary for property $namespace |
error | 42 | No summary for property $key |
error | 48 | No summary for property $value |
error | 54 | No summary for property $description |
error | 61 | No summary for property $created |
error | 68 | No summary for property $updated |
error | 73 | No summary for property $inputFilter |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
error | 24 | Argument $view is missing from the Docblock of setView |
error | 24 | No summary for method "" |
error | 32 | No summary for method "" |
error | 43 | Argument $stringToCut is missing from the Docblock of __invoke |
error | 43 | No summary for method "" |
error | 18 | No summary for property $view |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 15 | No summary for class "" |
error | 17 | No summary for method "" |
error | 31 | No summary for method "" |
error | 65 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 17 | No summary for class "" |
error | 27 | No summary for method "" |
error | 35 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 35 | No summary for method "" |
error | 44 | Argument $comment is missing from the Docblock of commentOwner |
error | 44 | No summary for method "" |
error | 60 | Argument $form is missing from the Docblock of add |
error | 60 | No summary for method "" |
error | 107 | Argument $entity is missing from the Docblock of treeByEntity |
error | 107 | No summary for method "" |
error | 128 | Argument $entityType is missing from the Docblock of getComments |
error | 128 | No summary for method "" |
error | 172 | Argument $alias is missing from the Docblock of tree |
error | 192 | Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of delete |
error | 192 | No summary for method "" |
error | 227 | Argument $comment is missing from the Docblock of edit |
error | 227 | No summary for method "" |
error | 249 | Argument $comment is missing from the Docblock of createForm |
error | 249 | No summary for method "" |
error | 272 | Argument $form is missing from the Docblock of getAddCommentForm |
error | 272 | No summary for method "" |
error | 286 | Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of getEntityByCommentId |
error | 286 | No summary for method "" |
error | 22 | No summary for property $serviceManager |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 17 | No summary for class "" |
error | 23 | No summary for method "" |
error | 57 | No summary for method "" |
error | 71 | No summary for method "" |
error | 100 | No summary for method "" |
error | 167 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
error | 15 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 23 | Argument $view is missing from the Docblock of setView |
error | 23 | No summary for method "" |
error | 31 | No summary for method "" |
error | 41 | Argument $comments is missing from the Docblock of __invoke |
error | 41 | No summary for method "" |
error | 17 | No summary for property $view |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 15 | No summary for class "" |
error | 23 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
error | 9 | No summary for method "" |
error | 14 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 11 | No summary for class "" |
error | 13 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 13 | Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 13 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 8 | No summary for class "" |
error | 10 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 10 | Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 10 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
error | 9 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 26 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 26 | No summary for method "" |
error | 19 | No summary for property $inputFilter |
error | 20 | No summary for property $serviceLocator |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 127 | No summary for method "" |
error | 164 | Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 186 | Argument $email is missing from the Docblock of setEmail |
error | 208 | Argument $displayName is missing from the Docblock of setDisplayName |
error | 230 | Argument $status is missing from the Docblock of setStatus |
error | 252 | Argument $role is missing from the Docblock of setRole |
error | 260 | No summary for method "" |
error | 268 | Argument $confirm is missing from the Docblock of setConfirm |
error | 268 | No summary for method "" |
error | 290 | Argument $created is missing from the Docblock of setCreated |
error | 312 | Argument $updated is missing from the Docblock of setUpdated |
error | 320 | No summary for method "" |
error | 328 | No summary for method "" |
error | 339 | No summary for method "" |
error | 347 | No summary for method "" |
error | 356 | Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of setEntityManager |
error | 356 | No summary for method "" |
error | 364 | No summary for method "" |
error | 41 | No summary for property $id |
error | 54 | No summary for property $email |
error | 64 | No summary for property $displayName |
error | 74 | No summary for property $role |
error | 81 | No summary for property $confirm |
error | 92 | No summary for property $status |
error | 99 | No summary for property $created |
error | 106 | No summary for property $updated |
error | 112 | No summary for property $auths |
error | 114 | No summary for property $entityManager |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 20 | No summary for class "" |
error | 26 | No summary for method "" |
error | 66 | No summary for method "" |
error | 101 | No summary for method "" |
error | 215 | No summary for method "" |
error | 315 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 21 | No summary for class "" |
error | 23 | Argument $e is missing from the Docblock of onDispatchError |
error | 23 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
error | 15 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 15 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 11 | No summary for class "" |
error | 45 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 26 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 19 | No summary for class "" |
error | 94 | Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of deleteChildren |
error | 94 | No summary for method "" |
error | 127 | Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 145 | Argument $userId is missing from the Docblock of setUserId |
error | 145 | No summary for method "" |
error | 153 | No summary for method "" |
error | 161 | Argument $user is missing from the Docblock of setUser |
error | 161 | No summary for method "" |
error | 169 | No summary for method "" |
error | 181 | Argument $comment is missing from the Docblock of setComment |
error | 199 | Argument $entityType is missing from the Docblock of setEntityType |
error | 199 | No summary for method "" |
error | 207 | No summary for method "" |
error | 219 | Argument $entityTypeId is missing from the Docblock of setEntityTypeId |
error | 241 | Argument $entityId is missing from the Docblock of setEntityId |
error | 263 | Argument $created is missing from the Docblock of setCreated |
error | 295 | Argument $updated is missing from the Docblock of setUpdated |
error | 303 | No summary for method "" |
error | 29 | No summary for property $id |
error | 39 | No summary for property $comment |
error | 45 | No summary for property $user |
error | 52 | No summary for property $userId |
error | 59 | No summary for property $entityType |
error | 66 | No summary for property $entityTypeId |
error | 73 | No summary for property $entityId |
error | 80 | No summary for property $created |
error | 87 | No summary for property $updated |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
error | 20 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 20 | No summary for method "" |
error | 30 | Argument $file is missing from the Docblock of getFileJson |
error | 30 | No summary for method "" |
error | 64 | Argument $file is missing from the Docblock of displayUploadedFile |
error | 64 | No summary for method "" |
error | 80 | Argument $files is missing from the Docblock of displayUploadedFiles |
error | 80 | No summary for method "" |
error | 101 | No summary for method "" |
error | 15 | No summary for property $sm |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 15 | No summary for class "" |
error | 17 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
error | 15 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 17 | No summary for class "" |
error | 22 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 24 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 24 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 24 | No summary for class "" |
error | 29 | No summary for method "" |
error | 85 | No summary for method "" |
error | 135 | No summary for method "" |
error | 184 | No summary for method "" |
error | 232 | No summary for method "" |
error | 286 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 24 | Argument $e is missing from the Docblock of onBootstrap |
error | 24 | No summary for method "" |
error | 34 | No summary for method "" |
error | 42 | No summary for method "" |
error | 53 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
error | 15 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 29 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 29 | No summary for method "" |
error | 37 | No summary for method "" |
error | 45 | No summary for method "" |
error | 55 | Argument $alias is missing from the Docblock of getTemplate |
error | 55 | No summary for method "" |
error | 68 | Argument $user is missing from the Docblock of signUpMail |
error | 68 | No summary for method "" |
error | 93 | Argument $user is missing from the Docblock of forgotPassword |
error | 119 | Argument $template is missing from the Docblock of prepareMessage |
error | 119 | No summary for method "" |
error | 135 | Argument $template is missing from the Docblock of prepareBody |
error | 135 | No summary for method "" |
error | 156 | Argument $message is missing from the Docblock of send |
error | 156 | No summary for method "" |
error | 168 | Argument $template is missing from the Docblock of assign |
error | 168 | No summary for method "" |
error | 24 | No summary for property $serviceManager |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 23 | No summary for property $name |
error | 28 | No summary for property $values |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 16 | No summary for class "" |
error | 35 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 48 | Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of prepareDir |
error | 71 | Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of getDestination |
error | 83 | Argument $urlPart is missing from the Docblock of getFullUrl |
error | 94 | Argument $fileName is missing from the Docblock of getExt |
error | 107 | Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of buildFilePath |
error | 119 | Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of buildPath |
error | 134 | Argument $fileId is missing from the Docblock of deleteFile |
error | 146 | Argument $file is missing from the Docblock of deleteFileEntity |
error | 157 | Argument $file is missing from the Docblock of deleteObjectFileEntity |
error | 172 | Argument $form is missing from the Docblock of createFile |
error | 187 | Argument $file is missing from the Docblock of associateFileWithObject |
error | 204 | Argument $form is missing from the Docblock of writeFile |
error | 241 | Argument $destination is missing from the Docblock of moveFile |
error | 257 | Argument $file is missing from the Docblock of convertFile |
error | 277 | Argument $filetype is missing from the Docblock of generateFileUploadForm |
error | 28 | No summary for property $sm |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 12 | No summary for class "" |
error | 14 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 15 | No summary for class "" |
error | 23 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 4 | No summary for class "" |
error | 6 | No summary for method "" |
error | 11 | No summary for method "" |
error | 22 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 11 | No summary for class "" |
error | 13 | No summary for method "" |
error | 18 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
error | 17 | Argument $objectRepository is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 17 | No summary for method "" |
error | 29 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of isValid |
error | 15 | No summary for property $objectRepository |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 18 | No summary for class "" |
error | 23 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 8 | No summary for class "" |
error | 10 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 10 | Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 10 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 31 | No summary for property $testId |
error | 37 | No summary for property $number |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 10 | No summary for class "" |
error | 21 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 21 | No summary for method "" |
error | 34 | No summary for method "" |
error | 71 | No summary for method "" |
error | 99 | No summary for method "" |
error | 124 | No summary for method "" |
error | 137 | No summary for method "" |
error | 13 | No summary for property $sm |
error | 16 | No summary for property $entityType |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
error | 12 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 12 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 84 | No summary for method "" |
error | 107 | Argument $objectFile is missing from the Docblock of addObjectImage |
error | 107 | No summary for method "" |
error | 116 | Argument $objectsFiles is missing from the Docblock of setObjectsFiles |
error | 116 | No summary for method "" |
error | 126 | No summary for method "" |
error | 135 | Argument $objectFile is missing from the Docblock of removeObjectImage |
error | 135 | No summary for method "" |
error | 145 | No summary for method "" |
error | 158 | Argument $extension is missing from the Docblock of setExtension |
error | 168 | No summary for method "" |
error | 197 | Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of setType |
error | 197 | No summary for method "" |
error | 221 | Argument $created is missing from the Docblock of setCreated |
error | 243 | Argument $updated is missing from the Docblock of setUpdated |
error | 252 | No summary for method "" |
error | 272 | No summary for method "" |
error | 294 | Argument $thumbSize is missing from the Docblock of getThumb |
error | 294 | No summary for method "" |
error | 41 | No summary for property $extension |
error | 51 | No summary for property $type |
error | 61 | No summary for property $id |
error | 68 | No summary for property $created |
error | 75 | No summary for property $updated |
error | 82 | No summary for property $objectsFiles |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
error | 15 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 15 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 63 | Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 63 | No summary for method "" |
error | 71 | No summary for method "" |
error | 81 | Argument $email is missing from the Docblock of setEmail |
error | 81 | No summary for method "" |
error | 89 | No summary for method "" |
error | 99 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of setName |
error | 99 | No summary for method "" |
error | 107 | No summary for method "" |
error | 129 | Argument $created is missing from the Docblock of setCreated |
error | 151 | Argument $updated is missing from the Docblock of setUpdated |
error | 171 | No summary for method "" |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 31 | No summary for property $email |
error | 42 | No summary for property $name |
error | 49 | No summary for property $created |
error | 56 | No summary for property $updated |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 10 | No summary for class "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
error | 9 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 8 | No summary for class "" |
error | 10 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 20 | No summary for class "" |
error | 26 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 15 | No summary for class "" |
error | 25 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 25 | No summary for method "" |
error | 34 | No summary for method "" |
error | 62 | No summary for method "" |
error | 95 | No summary for method "" |
error | 131 | No summary for method "" |
error | 167 | No summary for method "" |
error | 20 | No summary for property $sm |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
error | 9 | Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 9 | Argument $options is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 9 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
error | 12 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 24 | Argument $e is missing from the Docblock of onBootstrap |
error | 24 | No summary for method "" |
error | 34 | No summary for method "" |
error | 42 | No summary for method "" |
error | 53 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 30 | Argument $e is missing from the Docblock of onDispatch |
error | 38 | No summary for method "" |
error | 47 | No summary for method "" |
error | 60 | No summary for method "" |
error | 78 | No summary for method "" |
error | 90 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 31 | No summary for method "" |
error | 39 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 39 | No summary for method "" |
error | 48 | Argument $user is missing from the Docblock of signupMail |
error | 48 | No summary for method "" |
error | 81 | Argument $user is missing from the Docblock of forgotPasswordpMail |
error | 81 | No summary for method "" |
error | 114 | Argument $form is missing from the Docblock of create |
error | 114 | No summary for method "" |
error | 160 | Argument $form is missing from the Docblock of forgotPassword |
error | 160 | No summary for method "" |
error | 188 | No summary for method "" |
error | 206 | Argument $user is missing from the Docblock of changePassword |
error | 206 | The type hint of the argument is incorrect for the type definition of the @param tag with argument $user in changePassword() |
error | 206 | Argument $form is missing from the Docblock of changePassword |
error | 206 | No summary for method "" |
error | 26 | No summary for property $serviceManager |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
error | 9 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 13 | No summary for class "" |
error | 15 | Argument $sm is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 15 | Argument $userId is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 15 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 7 | No summary for class "" |
error | 9 | No summary for method "" |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 16 | No summary for class "" |
error | 20 | Argument $config is missing from the Docblock of setServiceConfig |
error | 20 | No summary for method "" |
error | 25 | No summary for method "" |
error | 18 | No summary for property $serviceConfig |